
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Words of Wisdom Wednesday!

Hey Guys,
         So I am having a great day so far! I met up with one of my best friends for lunch and then we hung out at Barnes and Noble for an hour! (And YES, we were those two people sitting on the floor, flipping through a crap-ton of books and laughing hysterically!) It only seemed fitting that today's Words of Wisdom post was centered around friendships!

                 I find it very difficult to be myself around people that I don't know very well. I am an extremely shy person to people that I have never met before, and it takes a while for me to fully open up. Once I do, however, my true personality comes out in all it's wild, crazy glory! 
         Besides my family, there are very few people that know the real me! It is nice to have those people who will except you in all your crazy, embarrassing ways. I know I need to work on my shyness, but having those best friends in my life is what keeps me sane sometimes!
         Do you guys have that one or two friends where you can just be yourself and feel like they are not judging you? Thanks you so much for reading and I hope you and your best friends have an amazing day!

                      Lots of Luck,

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