
Monday, March 24, 2014

Huge Beauty Haul, Part 2!!

Hey Guys,
            Here is the second part of my very large beauty shopping spree that took place these last few week's. Sephora was the next store I went into, and, holy mother of all blushes! The amount of new blushes released this spring is wonderful, so, naturally, I had to pick up a few. 

            The first is the latest from Hourglass. Their Ambient Lighting Blushes hit stores last month and are as good as the hype says they are. I picked up the shade “Luminous Flush,” which is a lovely pink, coral color. Something about it (probably the ambient lighting powder in there, duh!) gives off a very luminous, radiant finish. All the blushes in the collection are marbleized and based off of one of the six ambient lighting powders.

            The next blush I got is from Too Faced and it is part of their spring limited edition collection. The Sweetheart blush in “Peach Beach,” is comprised of three different shades, one being more pink toned, and the two others being more golden toned.  True to its name, it gives my skin a wash of peachy, bronze-ness with a whole lot of shimmer and sparkle. Not everyone would love this blush because it does have large sparkle pieces in it. However, I think it is gorgeous.

            I next two blushes I got are cream blushes, one from Nars and the other from Make Up for Ever. Nars multiples are a pretty popular product. They are beautiful, creamy and just the right amount of shimmery. So when they came out with a Matte formulation I was so on that train! I picked up the shade Laos, which is a dark, natural pink shade. The only difference, besides being matte, is that this formulation can only be worn on the cheeks and lips and not on the eyes. 

                   Make Up For Ever came out with HD cream blushes and I am so happy! I love the brand and I love their HD line of products, so I am super excited to try this blush. The color I got is 220 and it is a natural toned pink.

            The next two products I got were from Illamasqua and they are a cream highlighter and bronzer. I picked these up because my skin has been very dry and tight for the past few weeks, so I have been using more cream products, as they are slightly more hydrating and sit better on dry skin. The highlighter, “Aurora,” is a pearlescent, cream color, while the bronzer, “Supernatural,” looks like liquid bronze.
L-R: Supernatural, Aurora

Top: Supernatural, Bottom: Aurora (Aurora is very skin tone color on but it adds a lovely shimmer to my cheeks.) 

         I picked up a few things that needed replacing while in Sephora.  The first item is a new beauty blender. Nothing is really wrong with my old one, but I have had it for over a year, so I thought it was time to add a new one into the mix. I will still be using my old one, but now I can alternate. I was going just to get the standard pink one, but then I saw this one:

            Beauty Blender did a purple one in support of the color of the year, Radiant Orchid! The next item that needed replacing was my eyelash curler. I’ve had mine for way too long, so I decided to pick up a new one. I grabbed this one from Sephora collection because it was super adorable and if I was a eyelash curler, this is the one I would want to be!

            Ever since I heard Fleur, from Fleurdeforce, talk about the Nest “Midnight Fleur” perfume, I knew I needed to give it a sniff. Originally I did not like this scent at all, having just sniffed it on one of the sniffer, card things, (seriously, what are those things called?!?!?!) but I sprayed it on me anyway to see how it reacted to my natural scent. I wore it around all day and received a lot of compliments about it. I liked it, and even though it is not super expensive, I was still hesitant. So when I saw a travel size version with a body lotion in the Beauty-to-go area, into my basket it went.
         There were so many new blushes out it was so hard to choose, but I am so happy with the ones that I picked out! I hope you enjoyed reading part 2 of my very large haul! Come back in a few days for the final segment of my haul! Part 3 id all about the drugstore! Thanks for reading!

              Lots of Luck,

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